Chapter 1: Orientation – Français B1
Lesson 1: Orientation Français B1
Chapter 2: I Can Apply for a Job
Lesson 1: She is sure she will get the job (talking about certainty)
Lesson 2: Reviewing the passé composé and imparfait (contrasting past tenses)
Lesson 3: Professional correspondence (formal emails, letters, and applications)
Lesson 4: Jobs of the future (career trends and opportunities)
Chapter 3: I Can Talk About My Work Environment
Lesson 1: Team meeting (workplace discussions)
Lesson 2: Reviewing the future tense
Lesson 3: Workers’ rights (legal and ethical work issues)
Lesson 4: Problem-solving at work (conflict resolution)
Chapter 4: I Can Discuss Environmental Issues
Lesson 1: Environmentalism and ecology (green movements)
Lesson 2: Reviewing the present conditional (expressing wishes and possibilities)
Lesson 3: Natural disasters (causes and consequences)
Lesson 4: Air pollution (causes and solutions)
Chapter 5: I Can Describe Environmental Protection Measures
Lesson 1: Traditional and renewable energy sources
Lesson 2: Recycling (waste management and sustainability)
Lesson 3: Combining pronouns (direct and indirect object pronouns)
Lesson 4: Discussing environmental awareness (awareness campaigns)
Chapter 6: I Can Talk About Culture and Identity
Lesson 1: Identity and culture (nationality, traditions, and heritage)
Lesson 2: The plus-que-parfait (past-in-the-past tense)
Lesson 3: Globalization (cultural influences and changes)
Lesson 4: Language assistant in France (opportunities and experiences)
Chapter 7: I Can Talk About France and French-Speaking Countries
Lesson 1: France and the Francophonie (French-speaking world)
Lesson 2: Canada: A multicultural country
Lesson 3: The three past tenses (passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait)
Lesson 4: Talking about cultural diversity
Chapter 8: I Can Talk About the Internet
Lesson 1: Internet safety (protecting personal information)
Lesson 2: The passive voice (expressing actions without focusing on the subject)
Lesson 3: Online shopping (advantages and risks)
Lesson 4: Online journalism (fake news and media credibility)
Chapter 9: I Can Debate Social Media and Cybersecurity
Lesson 1: Meeting people on social media (online relationships)
Lesson 2: The subjunctive present (expressing doubt, emotion, and necessity)
Lesson 3: Privacy and security on social media
Lesson 4: Discussing security and privacy online (debate on cyber threats)
Chapter 10: I Can Compare City Life and Country Life
Lesson 1: City or countryside? (pros and cons of each lifestyle)
Lesson 2: The present participle and gerund (expressing actions and conditions)
Lesson 3: Living in the countryside (rural life and traditions)
Lesson 4: Discussing the ideal place to live
Chapter 11: I Can Tell About an Experience of Living Abroad
Lesson 1: Renting an apartment (finding accommodation abroad)
Lesson 2: The past conditional (expressing regrets and hypotheticals)
Lesson 3: Cultural activities in the city (museums, theaters, and events)
Lesson 4: Homesickness (adapting to a new culture)
Chapter 12: I Can Discuss Life Stories
Lesson 1: Biographies (talking about famous people’s lives)
Lesson 2: Introduction to tense agreement (concordance des temps)
Lesson 3: The story of Louis Riel (historical narratives)
Lesson 4: Testimonials and interviews (real-life experiences)
Chapter 13: I Can Describe Historical Events
Lesson 1: The history of the Eiffel Tower
Lesson 2: Direct and indirect speech in present and past
Lesson 3: Placing events in time (time expressions and sequencing)
Lesson 4: Discussing historical facts (analyzing past events
Chapter 14: Revision B1.1
Lesson 1: Writing a cover letter (formal job applications)